Heyhooo Guys~v(^.^)v welcome to my LOVE,LIVE,NATURE STORY pages..~hi i'm Yana....peace~hurm ..i hope u guys enjoy it la by reading my owesome pages hee~(POYO JE KAU NI YANA)oh ~♥and...btw hehehe! come on la korang...let's joined my pages and be my follower...thank you "THE END"

Thursday 16 August 2012

last present for him


pembace2 blog
 anyway try tengok "Picture" kat atas ni ;)
ape yang korang nampak??
T-shirt & Necklace kan....:D
okey,if korang nak tahu benda tulah yang yana nak cerita kan harini
actually~ ni first time yana bought 
t-shirt match with the necklace untuk lelaki tau ehehehe,,yana bukan lah expert sangat bab-bab choosing baju untuk lelaki nih kan,:D ..OH!! nak tahu tak yana beli those things untuk sape? hehe.. okeyyyyy~hurm i bought those things for the guy who pernah curi hati yana suatu ketika dulu ,,, dia pernah membahagiakan yana ..
i do love him so much & i do miss him so much...but disebabkan sayang sangat lah kitorang terpaksa end of our relationship , but but but kitorang still being "Friend" maaa \(,")/ ..
balik pade cerita tadi,, alhamdulillah~barang yang dipost dah sampai kat rumah die... and die suke that t-shirt.... 
 sedih campur happy yana,,
(last3! if kau bace ni ,aku nak gtao ni kat kau :D
" aku nak sangat tengok kau pakai t-shirt ngn necklce tuh" nanti kau sent gambar kau kat aku key...muaahh!! :* kat dahi )

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